Tag Archives: toilet paper roll craft

Christmas Mug Shots

Mug Shots.picmonkey

He’s making a list, checking it twice, gonna find out who’s naughty and nice? Turns out Santa’s been naughty too, and he and his crew get into their fair share of trouble. Just like their Halloween counterparts, these mischievous Christmas characters are up to no good, as last year’s mug shots reveal.

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Filed under Christmas, recycling, toilet paper rolls

The Usual Suspects

You guessed it – toilet paper roll criminals. And they’re up to noooo good. Who’s in the line up? We’ve got Vincent “The Kid” Vampire who eats way too much candy, and his teeth are turning fifty shades of grey. Charlie “Pretty Boy” Pumpkin may look like a real charmer, but he gets his kicks spitting seeds at innocent bystanders. Wanda “Butterfingers” Witch? Couldn’t get a spell right if her life depended on it. Jimmy “Scarface” Skeleton? That’s right, the guy can’t take two steps without breaking a bone. Finally, there’s Cat Capone who keeps crossing people’s paths to bring them bad luck. What does she care? She’s got nine lives.

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Filed under Halloween, toilet paper rolls

Halloween Crackers

For all of you who can’t bear those rubbishy cracker toys and are equally unimpressed by the flimsy hats that never fit properly, I encourage you to elevate the status of the cracker! It’s been with us since Victorian times and appears to need a little help. Why not have kids make their own fabulous polymer clay minis to put inside, along with an assortment of yummy, quality candy, and some printed words for inspiration or a few laughs. These crackers won’t pop when you open them, but there’s still that satisfying feeling of destruction that comes with pulling them apart.

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Filed under Halloween