Category Archives: tins

Koinobori Treasure Tin


Koinobori, carp-shaped wind socks, are a big part of Japan’s Children’s Day celebration on May 5th, a day which celebrates and honours boys, while March 3rd is reserved for girls. Carps are chosen as a symbol of strength, courage and determination – attributes desired in boys, and are flown from rooftops throughout the country.

I’ve always loved how children like to collect the most random things, and store them in small containers for safe keeping. So instead of making wind socks, we’ll be making small drawings of carps, and decorating a tin to store them in.

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Filed under drawing, Japan, Multicultural Art, tins

Treasure Tins

Children often have small treasures they like to collect, and empty candy tins, or any tins for that matter, are a perfect place to store them. Spending some time decorating the inside is a great way to personalize them and make them special.

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Filed under tins