Category Archives: polymer clay

Miniature Food Picnic


Miniaturized things always look so adorable, and I’m clearly not the only one who thinks so. When it comes to food, Pinterest is filled with fabulous tutorials and ideas for making gourmet delights. My daughter made the mini picnic offerings above and did her mama proud by including, what I considered, the perfect student meal while living in France. Only thing missing is a bottle of red wine. 

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Filed under food art, plasticine, polymer clay

Picture This

Polymer clay is a wonderful, versatile material used to make an amazing range of things including jewelry, decorative boxes, and an endless parade of creatures. With a little patience, kids can easily be taught how to make some basic canes and some impressive marbling. Strange and wonderful results await.

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Filed under polymer clay

Melted Camembert Cheese

Imagine finding inspiration from a soft, overripe, melting Camembert cheese. This is what happened to Salvador Dali, whose inspired moment lead to one of his most famous paintings, The Persistence of Memory. In this painting, hard pocket watches are found unexpectedly limp like melted cheese, and draped in a bizarre dreamlike, coastal landscape. This strange juxtaposition of objects is typical of Surrealism, a 20th century artistic and literary movement which sought to combine the world of dream and fantasy with reality.

Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dali i Domènech was born on May 11, 1904, in the small town of Figueres, Catalonia, Spain. He was an extremely versatile and talented artist, exploring different styles and media as a painter, sculptor, draughtsman, illustrator, writer and film maker. Dali is probably best remembered for his striking and unusual images in his Surrealist work, as well as his flamboyant personal style, and quite possibly the most famous waxed moustache in the world. Feliç aniversari Dali! Let’s celebrate his birthday by making some melted looking creations of our own.

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Filed under Art Movements, Artists, polymer clay, Salvador Dali, Surrealism

Santa Jack Gift Tags

Legendary Santa and his many incarnations have been with us a long time. From Sinterklaas to Father Christmas, he has evolved into a plump and  jolly soul, overflowing with kindness and generosity. But it’s always refreshing to reinvent things, and when the spider-like Jack Skellington donned the red hat, I knew he was the one. Though initially a little misguided, with help from his friends he becomes the essence of kindness. His dashing good looks and humour make him perfect for gift tags, and children will have a lot of fun making him.

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Filed under Christmas, polymer clay

Macabre Miniatures

These miniatures aren’t really macabre at all but it sounded good, and they are perfect to scatter around your home, or to decorate your table for Halloween. They’re also great to put in home made crackers, which I will cover in my next post.

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Filed under Halloween, polymer clay