Category Archives: plasticine

Miniature Food Picnic


Miniaturized things always look so adorable, and I’m clearly not the only one who thinks so. When it comes to food, Pinterest is filled with fabulous tutorials and ideas for making gourmet delights. My daughter made the mini picnic offerings above and did her mama proud by including, what I considered, the perfect student meal while living in France. Only thing missing is a bottle of red wine. 

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Filed under food art, plasticine, polymer clay

Plasticine Art


When my children were younger, they so enjoyed the delightful plasticine pictures which filled Barbara Reid’s books. There were no words, only images which inspired all sorts of stories on their end, and gave their imaginations a great workout. This project involves having kids make their own plasticine art, which will provide them with plenty of fun and creative opportunities.

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Filed under plasticine