Painted Eggs

Painting eggs is a popular activity and tradition this time of year, and there’s no shortage of styles to explore. Think of intricate and detailed designs on Ukrainian Easter eggs, experiments with marbling, speckling and layering, wonderful little characters emerging from creative minds, and of course the unexpected. Artists provide inspiration for so many things, so why not for eggs?

The American artist, Roy Lichtenstein, was born in 1923 and was well known for his work in the Pop Art style. For a number of years, he adapted images from comic books and turned them into large-scale paintings filled with thick black outlines, primary colours, and lots and lots of dots. Dots, comics, and bright colours? Sounds like a winning combination to entice children into a little egg painting.


  • hard boiled eggs
  • acrylic paint in black, yellow, red and blue
  • paint brushes


1. Hard boil some eggs and allow them to cool overnight. Keep them at room temperature for painting.

2. In the mean time, do an internet search or browse through some books for images of Roy Lichtenstein’s work, which you will be using for inspiration. In keeping with his playful style, use the three primary colours and black as your palette for painting these eggs. When painting, focus on one side of the egg at a time, allowing it to dry before working on the other side.


Filed under Artists, eggs, painting, Pop Art, Roy Lichtenstein

88 responses to “Painted Eggs

  1. These look really great seem s a shame to use hard boiled eggs and have to eat them (or leave them to go stinky). Think if mine were going to look as good as yours I might use blown eggs instead. I love the pop art theme, I’m going to give this a go.

  2. These are super love them.Thanks for joining us at Creative Mondays 🙂

  3. these are so cute! I love the comic book look! 🙂

  4. This is so COOL!!! I love the comic graphics on them!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer… From Dream To Reality!

  5. Oooh fabulous eggs! I can’t believe you broke them in the end – a real artist!!!!

    Thanks for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!

    Maggy & Alissa

    • Your welcome, and thanks for dropping by. I’m glad your comment finally made it through. About the broken eggs, if I kept everything we made, we’d need a bigger house!

  6. You are so talented. I love seeing the things you make each week. Thanks for sharing at Terrific Tuesdays. Rachel

  7. Ana

    These are fantastic! You did a really wonderful job incorporating the artwork.

  8. Incredible! I love the Pop Art theme. Ok, challenge: Starry Night. Will she accept?

    Thanks for sharing this beautiful example of hand-painted eggs at the Kid’s Co-op

  9. These really caught my eye! Pinned them!

    • Thanks Julie! You’ll notice I added the same thing twice on your blog hop because I put the wrong link the first time. If possible, could you remove the first one: #26 Painted Eggs. Thanks so much.

  10. I would love to feature your eggs, i love the pop style you did them in!

  11. Gorgeous – they look amazing. Thank you so much for linking up to momstown arts and crafts!

  12. MiaB

    This is great. So artistic and creative 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing this with us at Sharing Saturday. Hope to see you again next week.

  13. Wow, so very pretty. Too pretty to crack open and eat, gosh I’d have to make them using some other egg so I could keep. Great colors and such and inspiring project. Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration at Sunday’s Best.

  14. You inspired me – I made some painted eggs, not pop art but actually using your cherry blossom post as inspiration. I referenced you so please help yourself to an ‘I was featured’ button from my button page if you’d like one. Here is the post

  15. Pingback: Lasso the Moon » Weekly Kid’s Co-op

  16. Thank you for participating in Show Your Stuff Blog Hop, You are invited to come back:

  17. Pingback: Flavorwire » Famous Artwork-Inspired Easter Eggs

  18. Pingback: TRADITIONS: Easter Egg Painting | Romanian Itineraries

  19. Pingback: Kids Co-Op: Easter Egg Ideas

  20. What a neat way to decorate eggs! Thanks for linking up to An Oldie but a Goodie! 🙂

  21. Wow! These are freaking cool!

  22. Pingback: These Are EGG-cellent Designs! | Nick & Kristen

  23. Reblogged this on Illustration, Graphic Design & Process and commented:
    I was searching for some egg inspiration and I found this. Enjoy this holiday reblog, I did! I will be sharing my own eggs soon!

  24. Hi, check this out project at USA WEEKEND. I would love to have you contribute.
    -Jim Lenahan, editor

  25. Pingback: HATCH! An Arts Advocacy Event – Nave Gallery

  26. Pingback: Painted Eggs II | ArtClubBlog

  27. so cool love crafts and painting thanks for sharing visiting from inspire us hop have a great day

  28. Works of art! I love the comic book look!

  29. Hey! I just found this Pin on Pinterest – cracking idea! I’ll have to give this project a go at some point myself!

  30. Pingback: Easter Egg Craft Ideas | Shelley Makes

  31. Pingback: 60 Easy Easter Decoration Diy | Rilane - We Aspire to Inspire

  32. My son is a big comic book fan and would love to do this with eggs this year. Thanks for sharing at Inspire Us Thursday on Organized 31.

  33. Pingback: Easter Craft Ideas - It All Started With Paint

  34. Pingback: Snickerdoodle Sunday Delayed | 2 Crochet Hooks

  35. Pingback: Egg-tastic Ideas for Egg Decorating – Art Tease

  36. Pingback: My Top 10 Easter Egg Decorations for 2014 | Fan of Stuff

  37. Pingback: Eggspressions | ArtClubBlog

  38. Pingback: Egg-tastic Ideas for Egg Decorating | Art Tease Magazine

  39. Amazing! I had been so busy in the weeks before Easter that I didn’t have time to come here and read the entire post. And now I see why these were chosen for the multi-million reader publication! Love them!

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  53. The defender also missed a recovery session and interrupted boss Jurgen Klopp during an interview on a team visit to Alcatraz.

  54. Pingback: 300 Easter Crafts & Activities – Colorante

  55. Pingback: Easter Egg Art That Turns Ordinary Eggs into Eggs-traordinary Sculptures – Magazine

  56. Pingback: 50 Creative Designs That Turn Ordinary Eggs into Eggs-traordinary Art | The Press

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