Chestnut Eyes


Chestnut trees are evil mess makers, depositing sticky red things, white flowers, chestnuts and leaves, in a cycle that never seems to end. The only positive thing has been transforming the chestnuts into these really cool Halloween eyeballs, inspired by a fabulous image from Simon Clarke.


  • chestnuts
  • craft knife
  • cutting board
  • white acrylic paint
  • paint brush
  • googly eyes
  • white glue



1. Gather some chestnuts, and make sure to watch out for those nasty spikes. Place one on a cutting board, and using a craft knife, make a shallow cut through the outer shell, halfway along the circumference of the chestnut. Pry it open and remove the chestnut fruit. Be sure not to cut too deep because you don’t want to damage the fruit. Also, make sure not to cut all the way around, so the outer shell can remain as one piece. It may take a few tries before you get it right, so make sure to gather enough of them.


2. Remove the chestnut fruit from inside. Sometimes you’ll find more than one, so you can discard any extras, or throw them back at the squirrels, who show little concern when dropping them on our heads. Paint them with white acrylic paint, and allow to dry.


3. Place the painted chestnut fruit back inside the shell. Once it’s well positioned, attach a googly eye with some glue. The fruit and shell will shrivel up a bit as they dry, but it will still look wonderfully spooky.




Filed under Halloween

20 responses to “Chestnut Eyes

  1. I’m a sucker for anything with googly eyes! These are fun!

  2. What fun! Simon’s image startled me! The pods really do look like eye sockets.
    These messy trees are nothing but a fun memory from my childhood. There was a row of them in front of our elementary school. My sisters and I gathered boxes of chestnuts, took turns laying on the living room floor and outlined our bodies with them!

  3. Sharon Mann

    Very funny! Great project.

  4. This is a creepy but cute idea! pinning

  5. Wow! So cool and creepy. I shared your amazing Halloween project via Scrapality FB page, Twitter feed and Pinterest board. Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for linking up!

  6. Jann Olson

    Oh my gosh, these are too funny! scary, creepy, great for Halloween! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  7. lovin these scary chestnut eyes, perfect for halloween #Serenitysaturday

  8. craftymomsshare

    OH, those are scary and fun!! I love it! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

  9. Pingback: 31 Spooky Halloween Decorations

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